Simple diffusion vs Facilitated diffusion

simple diffusion vs facilitated diffusion
Diffusion mean the movement of the molecules from higher concentration to lower concentration Based on presence of facilitator it categorise as the Simple diffusion and the Facilitated diffusion. There is difference between the simple and the facilitated diffusion.

Simple diffusion
Facilitated diffusion
Simple diffusion occur without the   any aid of the facilitate molecule (Chanel protein or carrier protein)
Facilitated diffusion requires the Facilitate molecule to happen the diffusion,.

Simple diffusion is relatively slow than the facilitated diffusion.
Facilitated diffusion is relatively faster than the simple diffusion

Simple diffusion is a passive activity.
Facilitated diffusion is may be active or the passive its depends.

Simple diffusion does not require the energy
Facilitated diffusion may require or not require the energy.
Type of particle
Simple diffusion transports small particles and non polar molecular.
Facilitated diffusion transport the large molecule and the polar molecule.

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