Enzyme: Definition and structure


- Enzyme is defined as the chemical substance which produces into the living cell and acts as the catalyst into the body.

-Enzyme is the catalyze the chemical reaction. Enzyme increase the rate of reaction occurs in our body.
- Most of the enzyme is the protein molecule.

-The name of the any enzyme generally suffix as “ase”. 

Structure of the Enzyme
- Generally, an enzyme is the protein molecule. The sequence of the amino acid available in enzyme specifies the structure which in turn determines the catalytic activity of the enzyme.

- Some enzyme the two part. The protein part of the enzyme knows as the apoenzyme and the non protein part of the enzyme known as the Coenzyme or cofactor.

- When the non protein part of the enzyme is metal ion (ion, magnesium zinc etc.) that non protein part is known as the co-enzyme.

- When non protein part of the enzyme is vitamin or derived from the vitamin, that non protein part is known as the co-factor.

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