Showing posts with label Difference. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Difference. Show all posts

Active transport vs passive transport

Active transport and Passive Transport are the processes by which molecule transport across the membrane. The main difference between the Active transport and passive transports required energy to occur the process and concentration gradient.

Active transport
Passive transport
requirement of energy
Active transport requires the energy to movement of the molecule.
Passive transport does not require the energy.
Active transport happens against the concentration gradient.
Passive transport happens along with the concern gradient.
Endocytosis , Exocytosis and sodium-potassium pump
 facilitated transport, diffusion, and osmosis. 
Molecule transport
Active transport pass the large molecule against the concentration gradient
Passive transport pass
He small molecule along with concern
Active transport is highly selective.
Passive transport is not selective
Metabolic inhibitor may inhibit the active transport
Metabolic inhibitor does not affect the passive transport.
Active transport is rapid process.
Passive transport is a slow process.

difference between Haemoglobin and Myoglobin

Haemoglobin and the myoglobin are two molecules in our body which carry the oxygen in our body. But there so many difference between the Haemoglobin and myoglobin. There is physical and the chemical difference between the Haemoglobin and myoglobin. 
Following the difference between the Haemoglobin and the Myoglobin

Haemoglobin contain four polypeptide chain
Myoglobin is single polypeptide chain.
It has tetramer Structure.
It has monomer structure.
Haemoglobin bind with four oxygen molecules
Myoglobin bind with only single Molecule
Binding affinity
Haemoglobin have high affinity to bind with oxygen (Tightly bind with the oxygen)
Myoglobin have less affinity to bind with  oxygen 
Haemoglobin found in blood
Myoglobin found in muscles.
Haemoglobin provide the oxygen to the every cell of the body,
Myoglobin  provide the oxygen to the muscles cells.
Known as

Osmolarity VS Osmolality

Osmolarity and the Osmolality is the difference term used to express the concentration of the solution. But there is difference between the Osmolarity and Osmolality.

Following are the difference between Osmolarity and Osmolality.

Osmolarity is defined as the  concentration of a solution expressed in terms of osmoles of solute particles.
Osmolality is defined as the concentration of a solution expressed in terms of the total number of solute particles.
Particles per liter of solution
 Particles per kilogram
Factor affect
It depends on the temperature and pressure.
It does not happen on the temperature and Pressure.

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Difference between Osmosis and diffusion 
Difference between Osmosis and Reverse osmosis
Difference between Active transport  and Passive Transport

Difference between Diffusion and Effusion
Difference between Simple diffusion and Facilitated diffusion

Difference between Diffusion and Effusion

Difference between Diffusion and Effusion
Diffusion and effusion both terms defined the movement of the molecule. But the main difference between the diffusion and effusion is the type of the molecule which moved.
Following are the main difference between Diffusion and effusion

-The movement of the solute from higher concentration to the lower concentration until the equilibrium established.

-Diffusion occurs in gas, liquid and solid particle.

-The diffusion rate depends on the concentration gradient and the amount of surface area available for diffusion. 

-Collision occurs among the molecule 

-The movement of gases from the small hole known as the effusion.

-Effusion occurs in only gaseous molecule.

-Effusion rates both depend on the molar mass of the gas involved, their rates are not equal.

    - There is no any Collision occur among the molecule

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 Vesicular Transport

Difference between Osmosis and Reverse Osmosis

Difference between Osmosis and Reverse Osmosis
Osmosis and the reverse osmosis are the two phenomenon in which occurs due to the movement of the solvent. The main difference between Osmosis and the reverse osmosis is direction of the movement of the solvent and the pressure applied.
Here, following are the difference between the Osmosis and reverse osmosis.

Reverse Osmosis
Osmosis is defined as the movement of a solvent through a semi permeable membrane to lower concentration to higher concentration.
Reverse osmosis is defined as the movement of the solvent through the semi permeable membrane from higher concentration to lower concentration with pressure
The solvent transfer from lower concentration to higher concentration
The solvent transfer from higher concentration to the lower concentration.
Pressure is not required
Pressure is required then only reverse osmosis is possible. Applied pressure on higher concentration.
Movement of water in root
Purification of the water.
It naturally occurs.
It is simulated process
Energy is not required for the process
Energy is required for the process.

Difference between Blood and Plasma

Blood and plasma are the two different elements. Plasma is the component of the blood. Plasma is approximately % of the blood complement. There are so many differences between blood and Plasma.

Following are the difference between Blood and Plasma

Blood is the fluid in our body which transport nutrient and the oxygen to the different cell of the body.
Plasma is the yellow colour fluid; left after removal of blood cells which constitutes 55% of blood part.
Blood is composed of plasma, blood cells(red blood, White blood, and platelets)
Plasma composed of the water, protein, nutrient, electrolyte, and gases.
Red Colour fluid
Light yellow colour liquid
Blood donation is very common
Plasma donation is less common.
Blood is directly collected from the vein.
For Plasma collection special machine and treatment are required.