Properties of Enzyme

Enzyme has its unique properties. Enzyme reacts with the substrate and catalyzes the particular metabolic reaction into the body. Enzyme and substrate reaction can be explained by the lock and key model.
Here the some unique properties and the characteristic of the Enzymes.

Enzyme is the sensitive:
Enzyme is highly sensitive for pH, Temperature, alcohol. Enzyme may be getting inactive due to the excessive heat. Enzyme gets denatured by the excessive heat.
Enzymes act only in specific pH ranges and any changes can adversely affect their action and efficiency. Most intracellular enzymes function best at neutral pH.

Enzyme is Rapid:
Enzyme rapid action can catalyze the reaction without enzyme the reactions are very slow. The rate of reaction is very high in presence of the enzyme.

 Enzyme has a variety of cellular controls:
Rate of synthesis  and the concentration at a given time and under the control situation

 Enzymes are Not destroyed or Altered after reaction:
Enzymes are re-used after using into the reaction. they are different from inorganic catalysts that stable and that can be re-used over and over again indefinitely.

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