Definition, Types of Emulsion

Definition, Types of Emulsion

An emulsion is defined as thermodynamically unstable heterogeneous system in which two or more immiscible liquids dispersed into the second continues phase which stabilize with emulsifying agent.

Emulsion Contain:
Internal phase (Dispersed Phase)
External phase (Continuous phase)

Types of emulsion

Primary emulsion
Water in Oil emulsion (W/O emulsion):
W/O is emulsion in which continuous phase is oil and droplets of water dispersed in the oil phase (continuous phase)

Oil in water emulsion (O/W emulsion):
Oil in water is emulsion in which continuous phase is water and droplets of oil dispersed in the water phase.

Water in water emulsion (W/W emulsion):
Water in water emulsion is emulsion in which droplets of aqueous is dispersed in water phase. It mainly contains incompatible polymers.

Oil in Oil emulsion (O/O emulsion):
Oil in oil emulsion in which droplets of oil droplets dispersed in oil phase.

Multiple emulsions:
Multiple emulsion means emulsion in emulsion. Multiple emulsion is complex system in which emulsion is dispersed in one continuous phase. It contains two internal phases It also known as a liquid membrane system

Types of multiple emulsions:

O/w/o emulsion:

Oil in water in oil system where aqueous phase separates the internal and external phase. in oil in water in oil emulsion water droplets surrounded in the oil phase, which is true encloses one or more oil droplets

W/o/w emulsion:

In water in oil in water system, hydrophobic phase separates internal and external aqueous phase. Water in oil in water in oil emulsion system in which oil droplets surrounded by an aqueous phase which oil droplets  

We can also categorize emulsion as according to the droplets size of dispersed phase

Macro emulsion
Micro emulsion
Nano emulsion 

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