Classification of crystalline Solid

Crystalline solid are classified based on the molecule present in the crystal and the chemical bond between the molecule.

Crystalline solids are classified into following category.

Molecular Solids
Ionic Solids
Metallic Solids
Covalent Solids

Molecular Solid:
Molecular solids are the crystalline solid form in which molecule is bond with the weak physical forces. Some crystalline solid may attach by the weak hydrogen bond. The molecular are may be the polar or nonpolar molecular.
Example: ice
Ionic Solid :
Ionic solids are the crystalline solid form in which ion is present. The ion is with the positive and negative charge.  The ion is attached with electrostatic bond
Example NaCl

Metallic Solids:
Metallic solid are the crystalline solid form in which metal ion which has positive charge (Cation).
Example: All metals

Covalent Solids:
Covalent solids are the crystalline solid form in which lattice point is the atom.

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