Facilitated diffusion

Definition of facilitated diffusion:

-Facilitated diffusion defined as the movement of the substance across the biological membrane from higher concentration to lower concentration by the use of carrier.

-Facilitated diffusion is also known as the Facilitated transport.

-Facilitated diffusion does not require the energy as the molecule move according to the concentration gradient. Facilitated diffusion is type of passive diffusion.

-Facilitated diffusion happens in cell body. Facilitated diffusion is occurring by various types of proteins that are embedded within the cell membrane. Only channel proteins and carrier proteins are associated with facilitated diffusion. Chanel protein usually transports the ions in cells. Carrier protein binds with the molecule which needs to transport from one side to another side. And carrier protein releases the molecule to the other side of the membrane.

 Example of facilitated diffusion:
-Transport of glucose into the cell.
-Sodium ions diffuse into the cell by the facilitated diffusion 
- Movement of oxygen into the cell in also example of facilitated diffusion 

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