Difference between amorphous and crystalline solid

Difference between amorphous and crystalline solid  
Crystalline solids and amorphous solids are the two form of the solid. Crystalline and amorphous solid have different physical and chemical property. There is so many difference between the amorphous solid and crystalline solid.

Here the list of difference between amorphous and crystalline solid.

Amorphous Solid
Crystalline Solid
Amorphous solid does not have definite geometry. The molecules are randomly scattered.
Crystalline solid are the solid in which molecule are arranged in ordered and repeating pattern 
Molecules are not properly arrange
Molecules are orderly arranged and form the lattice.
Plastic, Glass
Diamond, graphite
Crystalline solid have low solubility corresponding to amorphous solid
Amorphous solid have highly soluble corresponding to crystalline Solid.
amorphous solids are unsymmetrical
Crystalline solid is symmetrical
Melting point
Amorphous solid have melting range. To measure exact melting range is difficult
Crystalline solid have sharp melting point. Exact melting point can be measured.
Amorphous solid have isotropic  property
Crystalline solid have anisotropic property.

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