Definition of crystal Habit

Definition of crystal Habit:
-A crystal habit is defined as the description of the outer appearance of a crystal whereas the internal structure is the molecular arrangement within the solid.

-Any crystal is characterized by its internal structure and habit.

-Crystal habit can also be modified by adding impurities or ‘poisons’; for example, sulphonic acid dyes alter the crystal habit of ammonium, sodium and potassium nitrates.              

-It can be quantitatively expressed in terms of aspect ratio (AR), defined as the ratio of length to width and values of AR approaching 1 (spherical or cube shape) are considered to be pharmaceutically good. It is preferable to keep the AR values below 5 so as to avoid problems with flow. AR in polar solvents was as high as 9.4 in comparisons with 5-6 in non-polar solvents.

Simple diffusion vs Facilitated diffusion

simple diffusion vs facilitated diffusion
Diffusion mean the movement of the molecules from higher concentration to lower concentration Based on presence of facilitator it categorise as the Simple diffusion and the Facilitated diffusion. There is difference between the simple and the facilitated diffusion.

Simple diffusion
Facilitated diffusion
Simple diffusion occur without the   any aid of the facilitate molecule (Chanel protein or carrier protein)
Facilitated diffusion requires the Facilitate molecule to happen the diffusion,.

Simple diffusion is relatively slow than the facilitated diffusion.
Facilitated diffusion is relatively faster than the simple diffusion

Simple diffusion is a passive activity.
Facilitated diffusion is may be active or the passive its depends.

Simple diffusion does not require the energy
Facilitated diffusion may require or not require the energy.
Type of particle
Simple diffusion transports small particles and non polar molecular.
Facilitated diffusion transport the large molecule and the polar molecule.

Enzyme: Definition and structure


- Enzyme is defined as the chemical substance which produces into the living cell and acts as the catalyst into the body.

-Enzyme is the catalyze the chemical reaction. Enzyme increase the rate of reaction occurs in our body.
- Most of the enzyme is the protein molecule.

-The name of the any enzyme generally suffix as “ase”. 

Structure of the Enzyme
- Generally, an enzyme is the protein molecule. The sequence of the amino acid available in enzyme specifies the structure which in turn determines the catalytic activity of the enzyme.

- Some enzyme the two part. The protein part of the enzyme knows as the apoenzyme and the non protein part of the enzyme known as the Coenzyme or cofactor.

- When the non protein part of the enzyme is metal ion (ion, magnesium zinc etc.) that non protein part is known as the co-enzyme.

- When non protein part of the enzyme is vitamin or derived from the vitamin, that non protein part is known as the co-factor.

Definition of Hormone

Definition of Hormone:
Hormone is defined as the chemical substance which produces by the endocrine gland which regulates and controls the different function of the body.

Properties of Hormones:

-Hormones are the secreted by the endocrine gland and diffuse into the blood.

-Hormones are the chemical messenger and hormones may be classified as water soluble hormone and the lipid soluble hormones.

-Hormone act on the specific target cells only. The target cells have receptor. Hormones bind with that receptor.

-Hormone Receptor Interaction is Reversible.

-The binding of hormone to receptor is a saturable process.

- Many hormones are produced in their inactive form which is known as the pro hormone.

Difference between hydrophilic and Hydrophobic

Hydrophilic and hydrophobic are the two terms used. Hydrophilic mean water loving and hydrophobic mean water replant.
Following are the difference between Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Molecule.

Hydrophilic means which attract the water
Hydrophobic mean which repeals the water
Hydrophilic molecules are polar
Hydrophobic molecules are nonpolar.
water, cellulose etc
Wax, Oil, fatty acid
Hydrophilic molecule is dissolved in water
Hydrophobic molecule does not dissolve in water.

Definition of Isotropic

Definition :
An isotropic structure is defined as the solid in which exhibits the same properties or structure when it viewed from any direction.

Example: sphere, amorphous solid, Cubic crystal, glass

-Isotropic solid is the direction independent.
-Isotropic solid have single refractive index.
- Isotropic crystals do not have property like birefringence, optical activity.
-Diffusion is same in each direction 

Related Post:

Definition of Anisotropic


Definition of Anisotropic:
-Anisotropic is the property of the crystalline solid to show the different physical property because of the different axis.

Example: wood, All crystalline solid except cubic crystal form

- Anisotropic property is based on the direction.
- Anisotropic materials have different optical properties in different directions. 
-Anisotropic is term which used to define the characteristic of the crystalline solid.
- More than the one refractive index

Amorphous solid: Definition, property, and example

Amorphous solid is defined as the form of solid in which molecules are randomly arranged.  No proper or organized arrangement is observed in amorphous solid.

Example: Glass, polymer, Plastic.

Property of Amorphous Solid:
-       Amorphous solid does not have sharp melting point. Wide range of melting point.
-       Irregular arrangement of molecules is observed and no characteristic arrangement of molecule.
-       Amorphous solid how the isotropic property.
-       Amorphous solid are asymmetric.
-       Amorphous solid does not have heat of fusion. 

Diagram of Amorphous Solid:

Classification of crystalline Solid

Crystalline solid are classified based on the molecule present in the crystal and the chemical bond between the molecule.

Crystalline solids are classified into following category.

Molecular Solids
Ionic Solids
Metallic Solids
Covalent Solids

Molecular Solid:
Molecular solids are the crystalline solid form in which molecule is bond with the weak physical forces. Some crystalline solid may attach by the weak hydrogen bond. The molecular are may be the polar or nonpolar molecular.
Example: ice
Ionic Solid :
Ionic solids are the crystalline solid form in which ion is present. The ion is with the positive and negative charge.  The ion is attached with electrostatic bond
Example NaCl

Metallic Solids:
Metallic solid are the crystalline solid form in which metal ion which has positive charge (Cation).
Example: All metals

Covalent Solids:
Covalent solids are the crystalline solid form in which lattice point is the atom.

Definition of Crystalline solid

Crystal is a solid in which the constituent atoms, molecules, or ions are packed in a regularly ordered, repeating pattern extending in all three spatial dimensions.
-In crystalline solids are compounds in which the molecules are packed (bonded) in a defined, specific and repeating order.
- A repetitive arrangement in solid makes the three dimensional structure which is known as crystal lattice.

Characteristic of Crystalline solid:
- Any crystal is characterized by its internal structure and habit. Habit is the description of the outer appearance of a crystal whereas the internal structure is the molecular arrangement within the solid.

- Crystalline solid have sharp melting point

- Crystalline solids are the most stable solids compared to other solids.

- Crystalline solid show the anisotropic property.

-Crystalline solid is hard and brittle.