Vesicular Transport

Vesicle transport is defined as the transport of the material in form of the vesicle in a different cell of the body.

Characteristics of Vesicular Transport:

- Vesicular transport normally transfers the macromolecule. A vesicle is formed and it transports the material from one side two other sides. the material transfer may be liquid or the solid.

- Vesicular transport the energy for the movement of the molecules. The energy is supplied by the ATP.

 -Vesicular transport may import the material into the cell or release the material from the cells.

- Through the vesicular transport, the molecule transport across the cell but not through the membrane. the vesicle is formed which fuse with the plasma membrane and material is moved inside or outside.

- The vesicle formed inside the cell in both where molecule transport inside or outside the cell.

- The shape of the vesicle is large it may the spherical large and irregular

Classification of vesicle transport
Depend on the movement of the vesicle classified into two types:
2. Exocytosis

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