Red blood cells (erythrocytes): definition and characteristic

Definition of Red blood cell (erythrocytes):
Red blood cell is defined as the concave shape blood cells which are responsible to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide gases into the cells.

Characteristic of Red blood cells:
-Red blood cells are the concave disk by the shape.

-Red blood cell disk has diameter of approximately 6 to 8 um (Micrometer).

-Red blood cells are the flexible and mature cell does not have a nucleus.

-The shelf life of the RBC is 100 to 120 days. Red blood cell contains 40 to 45 % part of the cells in the blood.

-Red blood cell contains the haemoglobin which is responsible for transport the oxygen to the different cell of the body from the lungs.
Each red blood cell contains about 280 million haemoglobin molecules.

-Haemoglobin made up of protein and iron. The protein is called as globin. Globin protein contains four polypeptide chain. And the iron metal part of the molecule is known as heme so combine molecule is known as the Haemoglobin.

- Red blood cells are tare as it passes through the thin capillaries as red blood cells are squeezed into the capillaries 

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Function of Red blood cells (erythrocytes)

Red blood cells (erythrocytes) are the most important cells of the body which have so many functions in our body.

Following are the function of the red blood cells

-The main function of the red blood cell is to carry the oxygen to the different cell of the body from the lungs. It also carries the carbon dioxide to the lungs. Vein carry out the deoxygenated blood while the artery always carries out the oxygenated blood.

-Red blood cell contains the haemoglobin which regulates the blood pressure into the body.

- Under some circumstances, Haemoglobin release the nitrogen oxide which is a gaseous hormone.Then release of nitrogen oxide cause the vasodilatation.

What is the composition of blood (Component of Blood)

Composition of Blood:
Blood has two components
1.Blood Plasma
2.Blood cells 

Blood Plasma:
-Blood Plasma is liquid matrix available in blood. It contains the dissolved substance in it.

-55 % of blood is made up of Blood Plasma.

-Blood plasma is made up of around  91 % of water and around 9 % of solutes.
The solutes are the protein, Electrolytes, Nutrients, gases and waste products.

Blood Cells:
-Blood cells and its fragments are the elements of the blood. when blood gets centrifuge in tube all cells and its fragments settle down at the bottom of the tube.

-45 % of blood is made up of Blood cells.

-Mainly 03 types of blood cells are present on blood

1.    Red Blood cells
2.    White blood cells

Characteristic of blood

Characteristic of blood:
Blood is considered as connective tissue .lood is one of the important elements of the body.Blood having some unique characteristic property.

Following are the characteristics of the blood.
-These blood cells are suspended in a liquid matrix the liquid matrix known as Plasma.

-Blood is formed by around 45% of blood cells and 55% of blood plasma.

-Blood generally accounts for 8% of the human body weight.

-Blood is denser and viscous than the water

-The pH of the blood is around 7.4(Alkaline).

- The blood volume is  4 -6 liter in average size adult. ( 5 to 6 liters in average male 4 to 5 liters in average female)

-In blood, Red blood cells constitute about 45% of whole blood, plasma about 54.3%, and white blood cells about 0.7%. Platelets are less than 1%.

- Haemoglobin is responsible for the red color of the blood. 

Main Function of Blood

Blood is the one of the most important element of the body which one of the connective tissue. Blood has so many different functions which require for the body. Transportation, protection, and regulation are the main functions of the blood.

 Following are the three main function of the blood in details :
Blood carries out the oxygen and supply to the cell which is used to generate the energy in cellular level and also carry the carbon dioxide and remove from the body.
It carries out the nutrient and supplies it to the different cells of the body
Blood also removed the waste material from the body.
Blood also transport the hormone which regulates the different function of the body.

Blood maintain the pH of the body. also, maintain the body temperature. Also, carry out the different hormones which also regulate the different functions in our body. Blood also maintain the pressure of the body

Blood clot into the body and protect from the excessive blood loss.Clotting of blood process help into the healing the injuries. Blood also protect from the disease. Blood also contains the antibody 

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Types of blood cells

Types of blood cells
-Blood cells are the important elements of the blood.
-There is the different type of blood cells in blood. Blood contains the three types of blood cells. Blood cells are the formed by the specified organs.
-Blood cells are produced by the born marrow. Born marrow is the soft fatty tissue inside bone cavities. 
-And process of blood formation is known as hematopoiesis. 

- Following are the types of blood cells

1.    Red blood cell (erythrocytes)
2.    White blood cell (Leukocyte)
3.    Platelets  (Thrombocyte )

Red blood cells
-Red blood cells approximately 40 to 45 percent of the blood. The life of red blood cells is 120 days. Red blood cells transport oxygen to the different cells of the body.

White blood cells
-White white blood cells approximately 1 % of the blood cells.  The life of white blood cells is around 6 hour only. White blood cells are the reason for our immune system White blood cells are fighting with infections.

Platelets are the small blood cells present into the blood. Average platelet count is 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood.
-Platelets help blood to clot and Platelets are rapidly deployed to sites of injury or infection.

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Hydrophobic: Definition and Example

Hydrophobic: Definition and Example
Hydrophobic molecule is defined as the molecule which does not have affinity for the Water.

The Hydrophobic repel the water.

Hydrophobic meaning “Hydro” meaning water and “phobic” meaning fear
Hydrophobic molecules are the nonpolar. Nonpolar molecule which does not have the charge. Without the electrical charge, a molecule can not interact with the water molecule.

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Hydrophilic: Definition and Example

The hydrophilic molecule is defined as the molecule which has affinity for the Water.
The hydrophilic readily get absorb or dissolve in water.
Hydrophilic meaning “Hydro” meaning water and “Phil” meaning love.
Hydrophilic molecules are polar. polar molecule is the molecule which has partially charged.

Alcohol, carboxyl acid is the example of the hydrophilic molecule

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Difference between Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic

Properties of Enzyme

Enzyme has its unique properties. Enzyme reacts with the substrate and catalyzes the particular metabolic reaction into the body. Enzyme and substrate reaction can be explained by the lock and key model.
Here the some unique properties and the characteristic of the Enzymes.

Enzyme is the sensitive:
Enzyme is highly sensitive for pH, Temperature, alcohol. Enzyme may be getting inactive due to the excessive heat. Enzyme gets denatured by the excessive heat.
Enzymes act only in specific pH ranges and any changes can adversely affect their action and efficiency. Most intracellular enzymes function best at neutral pH.

Enzyme is Rapid:
Enzyme rapid action can catalyze the reaction without enzyme the reactions are very slow. The rate of reaction is very high in presence of the enzyme.

 Enzyme has a variety of cellular controls:
Rate of synthesis  and the concentration at a given time and under the control situation

 Enzymes are Not destroyed or Altered after reaction:
Enzymes are re-used after using into the reaction. they are different from inorganic catalysts that stable and that can be re-used over and over again indefinitely.

Facilitated diffusion

Definition of facilitated diffusion:

-Facilitated diffusion defined as the movement of the substance across the biological membrane from higher concentration to lower concentration by the use of carrier.

-Facilitated diffusion is also known as the Facilitated transport.

-Facilitated diffusion does not require the energy as the molecule move according to the concentration gradient. Facilitated diffusion is type of passive diffusion.

-Facilitated diffusion happens in cell body. Facilitated diffusion is occurring by various types of proteins that are embedded within the cell membrane. Only channel proteins and carrier proteins are associated with facilitated diffusion. Chanel protein usually transports the ions in cells. Carrier protein binds with the molecule which needs to transport from one side to another side. And carrier protein releases the molecule to the other side of the membrane.

 Example of facilitated diffusion:
-Transport of glucose into the cell.
-Sodium ions diffuse into the cell by the facilitated diffusion 
- Movement of oxygen into the cell in also example of facilitated diffusion 

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