Definition and brief about the DNA

DNA means deoxyribonucleic acid

DNA is the compound which carries out the hereditary information in the organism.

Structure of the DNA:
-DNA contains de-oxy-ribose 
-DNA is self-replicating.
-DNA is double-stranded molecules contain long chain of nucleotides.

Component of structure:
-The structure of the DNA content sugar which is known as deoxyribose and phosphate backbone and the base.
-The bases present in DNA are adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine.
-The based are pair with each other base paring is following manner
 Adenine with Thymine which known as AT
- Guanine with cytosine which known as GC.
-Purine and Pyrimidine bases are the bases available in equal number.
-Only one type of DNA is present.
-DNA is found in the nucleus of a cell and in mitochondria.

-Storage of genetic information.
-Transmission of genetic information to make other cells and new
-Development and functioning of all known living organisms. 

Related Article:
What are the main differences between DNA and RNA. 
Definition and brief about the RNA 
Difference between DNA and RNA polymerase

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