Definition and Brief about RNA

-RNA mean Ribonucleic Acid.

-RNA usually is a single-strand helix contains short chains of nucleotides.

-There are some exceptions where RNA is double-stranded and DNA is single stranded. Examples of double-stranded RNA are reo-virus, retrovirus, hepatitis-B virus etc.

Component of structure:
-The structure of the RNA content sugar which is known as ribose and phosphate backbone and the base.

-Shorter polymer with a and phosphate backbone and four bases. The bases present in RNA are adenine, guanine, cytosine and uracil.

Base Pairing        
Adenine-Uracil- AU

-RNA is synthesized from DNA on an as-needed basis.

-Mainly Three different types of RNA: m-RNA, t-RNA and r-RNA others are snRNA , snoRNA, miRNA, siRNA .

-RNA takes on many different roles, for instance, RNA can act as an enzyme such as ribozyme.

-RNA acts as a messenger between DNA and the protein synthesis complexes known as ribosome.RNA used to transfer the genetic code from the nucleus to the ribosomes to make proteins.

-RNA is used to transmit genetic information in some organisms and may have been the molecule used to store genetic blueprints in primitive organisms.

- The mRNA carry the message from the DNA, which controls all of the cellular activities in a cell. If a cell requires a certain protein to be synthesized, the gene for this product is get the message and the mRNA is synthesized through the process of transcription.

-Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is major constituent of ribosome. It ensures the proper alignment of the mRNA and the ribosomes during protein synthesis and catalyzes the formation of the peptide bonds between two aligned amino acids during protein synthesis.

-tRNA is a small type of stable RNA that carries an amino acid to the corresponding site of protein synthesis in the ribosome. It is the base pairing between the tRNA and mRNA that allows for the correct amino acid to be inserted in the polypeptide chain being synthesized.

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