Office Manners

You are intelligent ,knowledgeable person of the office but if you don't know the rules and regulation and manners of office you may lost the biggest opportunity of career.
so office manners how to work in office is the most important thing to learn

Following are the officer manners which should be followed in office may be help to reputed place in  the office

Dressing sense: 
 dressing sense is most important thing for first impression of any professional  dressing   with dress

always on time: 
Never be late into the office always be on time.if any circumstances you are getting late then just inform to yours' senior.
Be Responsible:
whatever work given to you do it with responsibility and  do it with genuine way.

Be secretive for personal thing:
Don't discuss your personal thing in office.don't be so friendly in office. 

Don't argue:
just do healthy discussion with colleagues.Never argue with them.

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