Atuleshwar Temple in Atul, Valsad

Atuleshwar temple is a religious place located in Valsad district. Atuleshwar temple is located in Atul which is an industrial place which is located around 7 km away from Valsad. This temple is Lord Shiva temple.
The atuleshwar temple within the serene beauty of nature surrounded by greenery. 
Atuleshwar temple is located at the river bank of an Par, so here you can see awesome natural environment.
The way to reach at atuleshwar temple which is full of greenery even you enjoy the walk .

Way of the Atuleshwar temple.


Entrance of Atuleshwar temple

View of Atuleshwar Temple

Nataraj statue in Atuleshwar temple

View of River Par from Atuleshwar Temple 

What is Biotechnolgy and Its Application

Biotechnology can be defined in many ways.

Biotechnology is technology in which biological system, organism or cells is modified or developed to manufacture the products used to improve the quality of life.

Biotechnology is also defined as the technology to modify the genetic material of living cells or organism and it produce modified products or perform new functions.

In a simple language biotechnology is the use of living things to make products with good quality.

Application of biotechnology:

Biotechnology in medicine:
Use of the living organism or cells to diagnose, prevent and disease .gene therapy, recombinant DNA and polymerase chain is most widely used.

Development of tailor -med medicine, this drugs is made up of proteins, enzyme or  RNA molecules that associated with gene. Vaccines for some disease also produced by biotechnology technology. Genetics test determine the cancer.

In gene therapy gene is introduced to cure of disease that caused by mutation of gene.
Insulin for diabetic patient, clotting factors, erythropoietin gene also produced by biotechnology

Formulation of antibody which is known as monoclonal antibody, production of vaccines, many enzymes and hormones  are produced.

Biotechnology in agriculture:
Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are the most important example of biotechnology application in agriculture.

Genomic helps to develop improve crop quality and enhance resistance factor .It also help to breeding disease resistant and good quality of crop.

By using the biotechnology  productivity of the crop can be increased.

Tissue Culture is also best technique which is used in agriculture field

Biotechnology in food processing:
Biotechnology has also important role in food processing. In many food preparations fermentation method is used. improved fermentation technology is developed which help in manufacturing the food products.

Improved technology of enzyme production help in production of food. amylase and chymosin enzyme are prepared by biotechnology technique .Gene cloning technique is used to prepare enzyme.

Preparation of wine is also one of application of biotechnology.
Technology such as DNA sequeuencing is used in food production. 

Biotechnology in environment :
With the help of biotechnology plant can convert into bio fuel. Biofulel is defined as the fuel which produced through biological process.

we can treat sewage using  treatment of microorganism.

What is mayonnaise-emulsion

What is mayonnaise-emulsion

mayonnaise is a thick creamy semisolid  preparation which is used as a food preparation.

Mayonnaise is a water in oil emulsion in which yolk is act as emulsifier.Mayonnaise contains not less than 65 percent by weight of vegetable oils commonly mayonnaise is mixture of egg ,vinegar oil ans spices.

Now a days egg free mayonnaise are also available in market

Mayonnaise is a emulsion which is made up of  following ingredients:
  • vegetable oils
  • egg yolk
  • acidifying agent lemon juice or vinegar
  • mustard
Stability of mayonnaise is depend upon following factor:
  • Emulsifying agent
  • Volume
  • Viscosity 
  • method of mixing
  • degree of agitation
  • Temperature

Difference between Emulsion and Suspension 
Definition of Emulsion, Types of Emulsion  
Application of Emulsion 
Pharmaceutical industry and Emulsion 
HLB Scale and Emulsifying Agent  
Emulsifier or emulsifying agent and emulsion

Definition, Types of Emulsion

Definition, Types of Emulsion

An emulsion is defined as thermodynamically unstable heterogeneous system in which two or more immiscible liquids dispersed into the second continues phase which stabilize with emulsifying agent.

Emulsion Contain:
Internal phase (Dispersed Phase)
External phase (Continuous phase)

Types of emulsion

Primary emulsion
Water in Oil emulsion (W/O emulsion):
W/O is emulsion in which continuous phase is oil and droplets of water dispersed in the oil phase (continuous phase)

Oil in water emulsion (O/W emulsion):
Oil in water is emulsion in which continuous phase is water and droplets of oil dispersed in the water phase.

Water in water emulsion (W/W emulsion):
Water in water emulsion is emulsion in which droplets of aqueous is dispersed in water phase. It mainly contains incompatible polymers.

Oil in Oil emulsion (O/O emulsion):
Oil in oil emulsion in which droplets of oil droplets dispersed in oil phase.

Multiple emulsions:
Multiple emulsion means emulsion in emulsion. Multiple emulsion is complex system in which emulsion is dispersed in one continuous phase. It contains two internal phases It also known as a liquid membrane system

Types of multiple emulsions:

O/w/o emulsion:

Oil in water in oil system where aqueous phase separates the internal and external phase. in oil in water in oil emulsion water droplets surrounded in the oil phase, which is true encloses one or more oil droplets

W/o/w emulsion:

In water in oil in water system, hydrophobic phase separates internal and external aqueous phase. Water in oil in water in oil emulsion system in which oil droplets surrounded by an aqueous phase which oil droplets  

We can also categorize emulsion as according to the droplets size of dispersed phase

Macro emulsion
Micro emulsion
Nano emulsion 

Difference between Notebook and Laptop

Difference between Notebook and Laptop

Sometimes people called notebook to the laptop. There is technically different between laptop and note book. Technically laptop is larger than the notebook.

Laptop is small portable computer which can be used on your lap. The size of note book is just like A4 size paper of notebook. So it is known as the notebook. While notebook is smaller than the laptop.

Notebook is also the personal computer it is lighter than the laptop. Weight of laptop is around 5-20 pound.  The weight of the notebook is around 5 to 6 pound.

Laptops have screen size of 12 inches up to 19 inches in the viewing area. Notebook have screen area of  9 inches up to around 15 inches in the viewing area.

Laptop is most widely used for business purpose while notebook is used for personal use.

Laptop has facility of internal CDs and DVDs drive. while notebook does not have facility of internal CDs and DVDs drive. It has a minimal graphics system. it has an integrated modem

Laptop can handle many program because of  large processor size. Notebook is usually not able to handle as many programs or open windows due to their smaller processor size.

RAM and hard disk capacity in laptop is higher than the note book

Laptop has a facility of fan which provide the cooling facility to the system. Notebook does not have cooling facility due to the less processor power.

Many laptops are large enough to offer a full keyboard. while notebooks has not large keyborad

Application of emulsion

Following are the application of emulsion in different way:

1.   Milk is also example of emulsion. In which fat is soluble in water phase.

2.   Asphalt which used in preparation of roads is a emulsified in water is used for without the necessity of melting the asphalt.

3.  Many insecticides and pesticides which used in agriculture are also one type of emulsion.            

4. Paints and inks are also prepared by emulsification.

5. The digestion of fats process is also example emulsification. The absorption of  fats is the emulsification process.

6.  Cosmetics like cream and lotion are also prepared by emulsification method. Emulsified cosmetics have fine texture and a smooth touch upon application, so sustained release of the active ingredient from continues phase of emulsion can increase skin penetration of active ingredients and thus increase their concentration into the skin.

7.   Many Shampoo and hair conditioners are also example of emulsion. HLB scale or HLB system is used to decide which emulsifying agent is used.

8.   Emulsions can protect active molecules such as vitamins C and E from the external phase from oxidation.

9.   Emulsion is also used as antiaging products and sun skin lotion.

10.  The wet wipes which used for make-up removal, face care, body care & baby care products. In these products also emulsion is used.

11.   Some emulsion products are also patented for manufacturing.

12. Example: emulsion of acid fatty acid esters and its uses in cosmetics, dermatological, pharmaceutical or ophthalmology fields by L’Oreal Paris.

emulsion based on ethylene oxide and propylene oxide block co polymers  which used in the  cosmetics, dermatological or ophthalmology fields by L’Oreal Paris

13.  low viscosity  emulsion  such as  Spray  and aerosols are  used  as cosmetics

14.    Emulsion is also used in screen printing, making the stencils. photo emulsion also used.

15. Emulsion is also used in food industry. Some food products are also made by emulsification process

    16. Mainly emulsion is prepared as different dosage form for detailed information of  refer article Application of emulsion in pharmaceutical industry.