pharmaceuticals industry and emulsion

Application of emulsion in pharmaceuticals industry
Pharmaceutical emulsion can be used
  • As parenteral preparation
  • As ophthalmic preparation
  • As  Aerosols
  • As Ointment
  • As Cream and lotion.
  • As a diagnostic purpose

Emulsion is used as a oral dosage form :
  •   Emulsions also enhance the oral absorption bio availability of the poor water soluble drugs.
  •   Emulsion is most widely used to deliver drugs into the body. Emulsions are worked    as a carrier for drug molecule. It provides carrier for low water soluble drugs.
  •   Oral it decreases the unpleasant taste and improves the absorption
  •   Oral emulsions mostly O/W.To enhance palatability of oils when given orally. 

Emulsion as Panenteral:
  •   Lipid emulsion is most widely used as Panenteral dosage form.
  •    Lipid emulsion used to provide the nutrient to the body by Panenteral way.
  •    Nutrient oils are injected intravenously in the form of emulsions which are unable to swallow. 
  • Some emulsion used as injections. emulsion reduce the pain and irritation  of the inject able preparation example: Amphotericine, diazepam, propofol
  •  Emulsion decrease the toxicity of the some drugs. Ex: Amphotericine, diazepam, propofol
  • Emulsion also Improved Stability and Solubility of the intravenous preparation

Emulsion as aerosol:
  •   Emulsion of the finely divided drug substance typically is dispersed in the
  •  liquid propellant with the aid of suitable biocompatible surfactants or other excipients. Propellants for aerosol formulations are typically low. The two-phase formulation consists of drug(s) dissolved in liquefied propellant. Liquid co solvents such as alcohol, propylene glycol, and polyethylene glycols often are added to enhance the solubility of the drug substance.

For sustained drug release and depot formulation:
  • water-soluble drug  solubilize into the   water phase of the emulsion globule, which showed prolonged release properties and lessen toxic effects
  • Most of the water soluble antigents and some drugs are formulated as water in oil type emulsions for depot injection purpose (sustain and release).

Topical emulsion
  •  topical emulsions are creams which have emollient properties. topical form of emulsion  prevent the trans epidermal water loss, enhanced skin smoothness and penetration of active ingredients.
  • Gel emulsion mean emulsion in gel which is also known as emugel. Antifungal drugs are applied in this form on the skin.

Other Application:
  • Some of the perflorinated hydro-carbons are formulated as oil in water emulsions used for oxygen replacement therapy.
  • Some of the emulsions containing radio opaque substances are used for diagnostic purpose.
  •  Emulsion based wet wipes for such applications as baby care and make-up removal.

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