Showing posts with label Application. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Application. Show all posts

What is Biotechnolgy and Its Application

Biotechnology can be defined in many ways.

Biotechnology is technology in which biological system, organism or cells is modified or developed to manufacture the products used to improve the quality of life.

Biotechnology is also defined as the technology to modify the genetic material of living cells or organism and it produce modified products or perform new functions.

In a simple language biotechnology is the use of living things to make products with good quality.

Application of biotechnology:

Biotechnology in medicine:
Use of the living organism or cells to diagnose, prevent and disease .gene therapy, recombinant DNA and polymerase chain is most widely used.

Development of tailor -med medicine, this drugs is made up of proteins, enzyme or  RNA molecules that associated with gene. Vaccines for some disease also produced by biotechnology technology. Genetics test determine the cancer.

In gene therapy gene is introduced to cure of disease that caused by mutation of gene.
Insulin for diabetic patient, clotting factors, erythropoietin gene also produced by biotechnology

Formulation of antibody which is known as monoclonal antibody, production of vaccines, many enzymes and hormones  are produced.

Biotechnology in agriculture:
Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are the most important example of biotechnology application in agriculture.

Genomic helps to develop improve crop quality and enhance resistance factor .It also help to breeding disease resistant and good quality of crop.

By using the biotechnology  productivity of the crop can be increased.

Tissue Culture is also best technique which is used in agriculture field

Biotechnology in food processing:
Biotechnology has also important role in food processing. In many food preparations fermentation method is used. improved fermentation technology is developed which help in manufacturing the food products.

Improved technology of enzyme production help in production of food. amylase and chymosin enzyme are prepared by biotechnology technique .Gene cloning technique is used to prepare enzyme.

Preparation of wine is also one of application of biotechnology.
Technology such as DNA sequeuencing is used in food production. 

Biotechnology in environment :
With the help of biotechnology plant can convert into bio fuel. Biofulel is defined as the fuel which produced through biological process.

we can treat sewage using  treatment of microorganism.

pharmaceuticals industry and emulsion

Application of emulsion in pharmaceuticals industry
Pharmaceutical emulsion can be used
  • As parenteral preparation
  • As ophthalmic preparation
  • As  Aerosols
  • As Ointment
  • As Cream and lotion.
  • As a diagnostic purpose

Emulsion is used as a oral dosage form :
  •   Emulsions also enhance the oral absorption bio availability of the poor water soluble drugs.
  •   Emulsion is most widely used to deliver drugs into the body. Emulsions are worked    as a carrier for drug molecule. It provides carrier for low water soluble drugs.
  •   Oral it decreases the unpleasant taste and improves the absorption
  •   Oral emulsions mostly O/W.To enhance palatability of oils when given orally. 

Emulsion as Panenteral:
  •   Lipid emulsion is most widely used as Panenteral dosage form.
  •    Lipid emulsion used to provide the nutrient to the body by Panenteral way.
  •    Nutrient oils are injected intravenously in the form of emulsions which are unable to swallow. 
  • Some emulsion used as injections. emulsion reduce the pain and irritation  of the inject able preparation example: Amphotericine, diazepam, propofol
  •  Emulsion decrease the toxicity of the some drugs. Ex: Amphotericine, diazepam, propofol
  • Emulsion also Improved Stability and Solubility of the intravenous preparation

Emulsion as aerosol:
  •   Emulsion of the finely divided drug substance typically is dispersed in the
  •  liquid propellant with the aid of suitable biocompatible surfactants or other excipients. Propellants for aerosol formulations are typically low. The two-phase formulation consists of drug(s) dissolved in liquefied propellant. Liquid co solvents such as alcohol, propylene glycol, and polyethylene glycols often are added to enhance the solubility of the drug substance.

For sustained drug release and depot formulation:
  • water-soluble drug  solubilize into the   water phase of the emulsion globule, which showed prolonged release properties and lessen toxic effects
  • Most of the water soluble antigents and some drugs are formulated as water in oil type emulsions for depot injection purpose (sustain and release).

Topical emulsion
  •  topical emulsions are creams which have emollient properties. topical form of emulsion  prevent the trans epidermal water loss, enhanced skin smoothness and penetration of active ingredients.
  • Gel emulsion mean emulsion in gel which is also known as emugel. Antifungal drugs are applied in this form on the skin.

Other Application:
  • Some of the perflorinated hydro-carbons are formulated as oil in water emulsions used for oxygen replacement therapy.
  • Some of the emulsions containing radio opaque substances are used for diagnostic purpose.
  •  Emulsion based wet wipes for such applications as baby care and make-up removal.

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