hospitals in Valsad

Following are the list of best hospitals in valsad which provides best medical help to the patients.
Vidhi Nursing Home & ICU –Nursing home
Ashray Children Hospital
Anand children Hospital
Dina Hospital
Lotus hospital
Bhumin Hospital
Vasavda hospital
surgicare hospital
Kasturba hospital
Amit hospital
Medicare hospital
Orchid hospital
21 cetntury Valsad
Jivandeep hospital
Mrunal Hospital

Zenith Doctor House

Roy hospital

Navjeevan hospital

Best relationship

Any relation in very important  in our life.Any person he or she may b very practical in their life he also need the support of the other person in life.
No one in this world can live alone.every one needs support and coordination of other whether they want or not.
so every relation it may be with mother,father ,friends colleague or with cousins maintain with carefully.
some time you run out the thing which do not have have value at that time you may lose the person who is really important and when you realize that it you have no option except regret.
So in your life handle relation with carefully you never know when and where you need them.

World is in side you

To live in the faith that the whole world is on your side, so long as you are true
to the best that is in you.

Time -How to manage

People always complained that they  don't have enough time to do activity for their passion. We can manage time by following way.

First thing sleepless people do not need more than 7 hours to maintain an
excellent state of health.
most of the people wasting their time in sleeping but if they make habit to wake up some what early as then their routine they can utilize that time for creative thing

don't waste your time in playing games on cell phones and surfing unnecessary in time of technology peoples are wasting time by using internet instead of using in helpful thing

many people are such talkative they can talk with anyone they can meet.just avoid that.It help you

Tips For healthy living..

      Keep your self healthy we have to follow some rules 
     following are some tips which may to help you keep Healthy and Beautiful..
  • get enough sleep.
  • Do Exercises and meditation.
  • Eat more fruits
  • Drink more water
  • breathe deeply
  • Keep away from Alcohol and smoking.
  • Avoid oil and food with high cholesterol.
  • Feel the environment and and natural beauty.
  • keep habit of walking daily for at least 15 minutes.
  Make this thing to your habit surely it helps you..

Control of Life...

The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of
having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you're in control of your life. If
you don't, life controls you." - Anthony Robbins

Want be succeed in life..

Want be succeed in life then develop following value in your life..
It will help you to be a success full person in life.. not only in business but also in your personal life...
  • High purpose
  • Acceptance
  • Awareness
  • creativity
  • forgiveness
  • Good communication skill

Don't Judge the people..

Don't judge the people's on other opinion.It may not be always right others opinion.because of some circumstances and or other reasons they react differently with others.may b actually they are not the same.

beautiful thought

"People are always blaming circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in
circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up
and look for the circumstances they want and if they can't find them, make them."
- George Bernard Shaw