Showing posts with label suspension. Show all posts
Showing posts with label suspension. Show all posts

Diffrence between Emulsion and Suspension

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Emulsion is mixture of two immiscible liquid which is dispersed in other liquids.

Emulsion is dispersed system of two immiscible liquid in which one liquid is dispersed in another. Emulsifying agents are used to increasing the stability of the emulsion.

Milk is best example of emulsion in which oil droplets are dispersed into the water phase.
Emulsion is normally consisted of mainly three parts
·       Continuous phase
·       Dispersed phase
·       Emulsifying agent

Two types of emulsions are there
Oil in water
Water in oil

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Suspension is mixture of a liquid phase and solid phase
Pharmaceutical suspension is heterogeneous system in which solids particle is dispersed into the liquid medium.  

In suspension, phase can be liquid, solid, or gaseous.
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The stability of pharmaceutical suspensions is affected by the
Concentration of dispersed phase.

Smoke is example of the suspension

Suspension is also unstable system suspending agent is used to stabilize the suspension.