knowledge is power

People who have achieved great success are not necessarily more

skillful or intelligent than others.

What separates them is their burning desire and thirst

for knowledge.

 The more one knows, the more one achieves.

Read the biographies of the world's leaders and learn from their habits, inspirations and philosophies. Cultivate the important practice of active role modeling.

So never think that what you do is not important for you always try to learn something from that. and get something useful information from them. It may be small but sometime small thing is more important

Want to be winner- Steps for you..

·        Be a good finder.

·        Make a habit of doing it now.

·        Get into a continuous education program.

·        Build positive self-esteem.

·        Develop an attitude of gratitude.

·        Stay away from negative influences.

·        Learn to like the things that need to be done.

·        Start your day with a positive.

beauty tips

take  sandal wood powder  add rose water and turmeric in make paste and apply this face pack on the face  20 minutes and wash with water .try this once a week it will help to you glow your skin .

Be Independent

"Dependent people need others to get what they want. Independent people can get what they want through their own efforts. Interdependent people combine their own efforts with the efforts of others to achieve their greatest success." -
Stephen Covey