Wilson Hill, Dharampur- Hill station near Valsad.

Wilson hill is a hill station located near Dharampur in valsad district of Gujarat state. The average height of the hill station is around 750 m or 2500 ft. This name is given in memory of lord Wilson last governor of  Dharampur.

Wilson hill s place which is a bliss of nature. Wilson hill is a place which is best for nature lover who love to spend time in lap of nature.Wilson hill is a place known for its calmness and where one can find its peace of mind

View of Wilson Hill

It is best in monsoon as everything is lush green with water fall.

Wilson Hill in Monsoon





How to reach:

The distance of  Wilson Hills from Surat is around 125 km and from Navsari it is

located at a distance of 80 km. This place is 60 km away from Valsad.

Wilson Hill

Place to Visit                                            
  • Marble Chatri Pt
  • Steep Valley Pt
  • Ozone Valley Pt
  • Sunrise Pt
  • Sunset Pt
  • Shankar waterfalls

hospitals in Valsad

Following are the list of best hospitals in valsad which provides best medical help to the patients.
Vidhi Nursing Home & ICU –Nursing home
Ashray Children Hospital
Anand children Hospital
Dina Hospital
Lotus hospital
Bhumin Hospital
Vasavda hospital
surgicare hospital
Kasturba hospital
Amit hospital
Medicare hospital
Orchid hospital
21 cetntury Valsad
Jivandeep hospital
Mrunal Hospital

Zenith Doctor House

Roy hospital

Navjeevan hospital

Best relationship

Any relation in very important  in our life.Any person he or she may b very practical in their life he also need the support of the other person in life.
No one in this world can live alone.every one needs support and coordination of other whether they want or not.
so every relation it may be with mother,father ,friends colleague or with cousins maintain with carefully.
some time you run out the thing which do not have have value at that time you may lose the person who is really important and when you realize that it you have no option except regret.
So in your life handle relation with carefully you never know when and where you need them.

nice thought

the quality of thinking determines the quality of your life.